expeRheiniMainental [or short: exRM] is a collaboRative/inteRactive/conspiRative docuMentation about expeRiMental Music in the Rhine-Main aRea.

watch it heRe in full length.

link to video

link to teaseR


the pReMieRe took place on januaRy 15th, 2017 [16:00] as paRt of the xeRox exotique seRies (web page - facebook event) at the institut für neue Medien [schmickstRaße 18, 60314 fRankfuRt am Main].

the dvd was Released on the saMe date and is now out of pRint.


contRibuting aRtists

cluBbleu sebastian Scherer & felix Pausch
dirk huelsTrunk t.b. or Not t.b.
guido Braun trabouListe
materialEinschüchterung weinGlas
roland Etzin worsel Strauss
ldX#40 [idea&execution]
sZmt [additional sound]
qtCt [valuable assistance]